Workshop: Fertilizing an Empty Future?
The workshop “Fertilizing an Empty Future?” came to an end! What intensive, inspiring and enlightening three days at Unicamp University, Brazil. Despite still challenging Covid-19 times in Brazilian winter, our Mini-lab with interdisciplinary students from the universities Unicamp, USP and Unifesp and a great pool of invitees from Indigenous peoples, artists, and economic and social sciences came into fruition from June 7-9,2022. Based on transformed practices of deep listening and conventional lecture formats, the workshop invited contradicting and corresponding knowledges and approaches in regards to the climate crisis and our connection with the earth and us humans. The shared narratives and stories served as the basis for students to imagine an ecocritical persona of the future. Click here for the full story and the collages >>
Our invited speakers and artists spanned the Brazilian and North-American context:
Video and Image ©2022 Edgar Kanayko Xakriabá