architecture shift in poland
the polish urban landscape changed drastically in the last 10-15 years. after the fall of communism in 1989, fundings from the EU and investments triggered revitalisation projects, new museums, cultural centres and monuments as signs of a regained identity and history. highways, roads and train tracks further connected and revived the country. however, the free market, global property players and the need for own possessions lead to a flood of standardised residential buildings, houses and gated communities. nowadays, the questions slowly shift towards the essence of architecture. how do we want to shape our future and live together?
ecology, a sense of belonging and a sense of community are the driving forces for well-being in recent years. the working and housing environment is pushed to adapt to these questions. architects focus on creating an intimate atmosphere in human scale, enhance communal spaces, mixed use, landscape design and artistic collaboration.
I had the opportunity to discuss these topics with leading architecture firms during a short stay in poland’s capital warsaw. WWAA, BBGK, JEMS, EM4, Grupa5, JRK72, Szcz and Unism Studio shared their thoughts and visions. now I am off to write several articles, essays and portraits for a unique issue on polish architecture in the popular austrian architecture magazine Architektur Aktuell. to be released in october 2019!