ClimArtLab Project: Evolving Futures – Owning Our Mess
What motivates people to act pro-environmentally? How can we trigger the motivation and foster sustainable livelihoods? Those questions are raised in research studies on pro-environmental behaviour. They have been the basis for our art-science interventions, a collaboration between the KLI for Evolution and Cognition Research in Austria and artEC/Oindustry. Supported by the StartClim2020 grant, we have invited scientists and artists to collaborate over the span of three months and to co-create art-science interventions that integrate those approaches.
Two great interventions emerged:
HOMONEXUS by artist Francesca Aldegani and scientist/musician Alejandro Villanueva Hernández
GLACIER NEX US by artist Ida Marie Correll and glaciologist Lindsey Nicholson
Due to Covid-19 restrictions the art-science interventions have been installed and performed live during a concluding online exhibition on May 11, 2021. For more details see also the website of the project!
project duration: August 2020 – June 2021 | art-science workshops: February 2021 – May 2021 | online exhibition: May 11, 2021
funded by StartClim2020: see sponsors below