Imp@ct Mining and the Arts
In the heat of rising Covid-19 infections allover Europe, Imp@ct Mining‘s final conference took place in beautiful Cornwall from March 9-12, 2020 with the finissage Of Earth – From Earth. Invited as a guest speaker, I presented my work on the arts’ potential in generating dialogue, interaction and change. My talk “The Arts – Embodying…
MIREU, Barbórka and Raw Materials
Barbórka, the Miner’s day in Poland was a great framework for an intensive MIREU workshop on skills and requirements in the mining industry, which was held at the AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków on December 5th and 6th. The workshop set off with a keynote by Marek Cala, Dean of the faculty…
exposibram 2019 in belo horizonte, brazil is coming to an end. the biggest mining fair and congress in latin america takes place from september 9-12 with an initial minute of silence to commemorate the victims of brumadinho. although the families drew attention to the pain and struggle with banners and photos of their beloved ones…
lecture: revitalizing the postindustrial landscape
my lecture on the revitalization of the postindustrial landscape in japan took place at the university of economics, katowice PL today. a great venture and wonderful opportunity to discuss the potentials and challenges of art/architecture ventures as impulses for change and growth in the region.
lecture: digging the earth – collaborative prospects between the mining industry and the arts
join dominika’s lecture on artecoindustry, existent models for the revitaliziation of former industrial areas and artecoindustry’s objectives on the collaboration between the mining industry and the arts! “digging the earth: collaborative prospects between the mining industry and the arts” @ college of fine arts (cofa) the university of new south wales cnr of oxford st…
humanizing technology through art within a planetary society
dominika presented parts of her doctoral thesis on japanese-american artist isamu noguchi (1904-1988) and his approach to science and technology after world war II at this years’ AAANZ conference together <> apart in andrew mcnamara‘s panel modernism, everyday life and collective creativity. humanizing technology through art within a planetary society complicates one-sided narratives on noguchi’s…